How we can help you with licensing
Securely close a deal for your innovation with the right market participant.
PROGEST will help you find a suitable market participant or manufacturer. Experience shows that market parties are more open to innovations through PROGEST’s intervention and, in addition, we protect our clients from infringement of their intellectual property. By making a thorough technical and commercial analysis of the possibilities of the innovation and selecting the best market party, an attempt is made to conclude a (license) contract. Of course, this is done in close consultation with our clients.
In preparation for the negotiation, Progest will perform a valuation of your patent. While determining the value of your innovation, PROGEST is able to include operating assets such as molds, inventories, test benches or machinery in the negotiations. In addition, PROGEST draws up an investment presentation which is shared with interesting and/or interested market parties within and outside our network. PROGEST conducts negotiations, draws up sales contracts and -if necessary- performs checks for compliance with the license agreement.
PROGEST helps you sell your invention, innovation or innovative company, please share your innovation with us using the button below. The form of collaboration strongly depends on the desire of the inventor or innovative entrepreneur and the possibilities within PROGEST. If both sides feel good, PROGEST will make a proposal for cooperation. This is an agreement that sets forth various agreements. Mutual trust plays an important role here. Once the contract is agreed upon, the collaboration begins.