Bringing innovative product to market

From innovation to product

Have you developed an innovation, or something entirely new, that wasn’t there until yesterday? And do you think your innovation is something that could benefit more people? If so, there may be music in there for you in the form of business success. In that case, contact PROGEST. We can guide you in developing your innovative idea into a real product. Sometimes it is a long way to get from an idea to a concept and finally to a good product. We make sure you encounter as few obstacles as possible along the way. Our staff has many years of experience bringing special innovations to market and knows where the pitfalls are. We will work with you to avoid those pitfalls. Read more about getting your innovation to market below or contact PROGEST directly.


Why launch your unique idea with us?

Enorme ervaring en expertise. Wij hebben gewerkt met tal van uitvindingen, dus we weten wat werkt en wat niet.

Bewezen formule gedreven model. Wij hebben een uniek model ontwikkeld waarmee goede vindingen succesvol in de markt gelanceerd worden.

Gecoördineerde en integreerde aanpak. Wij bieden een unieke aanpak op basis van het ‘no cure, no pay’ principe.

Succesvolle resultaten. Wij bereiken constant indrukwekkende marktrealisaties door de juiste stappen te zetten.

Why innovate?

Innovating is important for people and companies to grow, but also to achieve or increase competitive advantage, customer satisfaction, sustainability and long-term survival. With the necessary innovations, companies and organizations can adapt to changing market conditions, seize new opportunities and capture and/or strengthen their position in the market.

What is an innovation?

The word innovation is overused in business for something not (yet) known. That is not directly the correct definition. Because the literal meaning of innovation is “renewal. And explained a little more broadly, an innovation is an innovation or improvement in a product, service, process or technology. In addition, an innovation can also be an idea that adds value and contributes to solving a specific problem or fulfilling a particular need. Innovation can manifest itself as:

  • Product innovation: developing new or better products or services.
  • Process innovation: the renewal or optimization of existing working methods or production processes.
  • Technological innovation: introducing new technologies or improving existing ones.
  • Organizational innovation: adapting or renewing an organizational structure, management practice or corporate culture.
  • Marketing and strategic innovation: developing new marketing strategies, business models or market approaches.


Need advice?

If you have made an invention and do not know how to proceed next, you can request a consultation with us. During this conversation, we take stock of your project, identify your needs and come up with concrete recommendations.

Patent Advice

If you want to protect your invention, filing a patent application is the right move. During this conversation, we will help you file your patent application correctly, quickly and officially.


Based on the “no cure, no pay” principle, Progest helps find the right market participant(s). Through our expertise, we can ensure that this process is successful.

Sales support & participation

In promising situations, we are willing to participate in your project on a risk basis. This can be done through a capital injection, but it is also possible for us to actively support you in marketing your invention or innovative product.

The course of your innovation

During a review by email or an exploratory meeting, we will explore your innovation in more detail and look together for a possible form of collaboration. We can provide assistance with the following services:

  • Giving patent advice
  • The development from idea, innovation, to product
  • Finding a suitable manufacturer or market participant
  • Assist in negotiations and contracts
  • Marketing your product

For the best elaboration of your innovation, PROGEST is the right place for you.

Success guaranteed with innovation?

Innovation is not a guarantee of success! Risk-taking is part of this, otherwise it is not innovation. The innovation process can (and should!) be streamlined, but outcomes remain unpredictable and experimental. It can produce unexpected and unplanned results, positive and/or negative. But it always provides instructive information.

We offer guidance in the development of your innovation

What is important for your innovation is that it is unique. It does not resemble an existing product or service; it must be useful and functional. Standing out from other products: that’s what it’s all about! We can guide you in developing your idea into an innovation. We are interested in inventors with a well-thought-out idea. Have you done the necessary research and thought about the commercial viability of your innovation? If so, please contact us for a review.